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Strickkleid Paradise Punch, colorblock painting, Kleider, Blau
Pullover cosy and cool, norwegian snowflake, Strickpullover & Cardigans, Weiß
Strickpullover Chic Promenade, happy miss sunny, Strickpullover & Cardigans, Rosa
Ideen, Design und Schnittmuster entstehen dort, wo das Leben spielt. Und in unserem Berliner Atelier.
Strickkleid Straight and Easy, deep down ocean blue, Kleider, Blau
Lange Strickjacke rosebud, romantic rumba red, Strickpullover & Cardigans, Rot
Strick-Pullunder Cute Storyteller, vintage treasure, Strickpullover & Cardigans, Lila
Strick-Pullunder Cute Storyteller, sensational feeling, Strickpullover & Cardigans, Grün
Strickmütze Beanie Light, chat noir, Accessoires, Schwarz
Lange Strickjacke Rendez-vous with Myself, magic road, Strickpullover & Cardigans, Rot
Pullover klasse masche, gold white, Sweatshirts & Hoodies, Weiß
Pullover klasse masche, gold mint , Sweatshirts & Hoodies, Grün
Pullover klasse masche, gold mint , Sweatshirts & Hoodies, Grün
Pullover klasse masche, gold white, Sweatshirts & Hoodies, Weiß
Lange Strickjacke gone with the ostwind, luxury traintravel, Strickpullover & Cardigans, Rot
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