Childhood Garden

Herbst & Winter 2023

Freilaufende Karussellpferdchen, fliegende Kindermädchen und sprechende Vögel – was fantastisch klingt, wird in unserer neuen Kollektion Wirklichkeit. 

Longsleeve A Spoonful of Sugar, enchanted garden, Shirts, Schwarz
Longsleeve Miraculous Power, spoonful of joy, Shirts, Schwarz
Longsleeve Miraculous Power, butterfly lady, Shirts, Grün
Longsleeve Miraculous Power, heartbeat goes boom boom boom, Shirts, Blau
Longsleeve Miraculous Power, sweet cherry blossom, Shirts, Schwarz
Longsleeve Miraculous Power, sweet cherry blossom, Shirts, Schwarz
Longsleeve Miraculous Power, butterfly lady, Shirts, Grün
Longsleeve Miraculous Power, heartbeat goes boom boom boom, Shirts, Blau
Longsleeve Miraculous Power, spoonful of joy, Shirts, Schwarz
Everything is possible, even the impossible!